Tony Bloom works at Tony Bloom Studios and Stonecrop Studios, his studios split between Victoria, BC and Canmore, Alberta, producing sculpture in a range of scales from hand-held to monumental, in metal, clay, and other media.

- 2023
- Establishes Tony Bloom Studios/Stonecrop West on Metchosin Road in Victoria, BC
- 2023
- Sooke Fine Arts Show, juried exhibition, Sooke, BC
- 2021
- Silver Spores; This was an extensive reimaging and refurbishment of the 1994 WaterSpheres sculpture, City of Burnaby, British Columbia.
- 2020
- Unveiled Altered Ground, winner of nation-wide sculpture competition. The sculpture is 3.35m (11 ft) hgt x 7.3m (24 ft) diameter base and speaks to the geology and morphology of the mountain environment — as well as musical notation and tabulation, pinball games, etc. Corten steel, stainless steel, cast bronze, local rock, and plant material. Town of Canmore.
- 2020
- Silver Seed installed in forecourt of the Jasper Park Bowl Grandstand, Edmonton, Alberta. Architectural grade aluminum; 1.5m (5ft) diameter.
- 2016
- Group show and talk on my work at Centre MATERIA, Quebec City, Quebec
- 2014
- Requiem for the Gibbous Moon; outdoor performance piece with Landbuoy sculptures, sound, choreography, costumes, chanting. Staged in conjunction with Alberta Public Art Network conference in Canmore, Alberta.
- 2014
- Panel discussion leader: artist/administrator interface in public art; Alberta Public Art Network conference
- 2014
- Sound of the Sculpture performance piece; in Grande Prairie’s Canada Day parade representing Art Gallery of Grande Prairie; awarded first prize
- 2014
- Landbuoys/Song of the Sculpture; solo exhibition and performance piece at the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie; Grande Prairie, Alberta
- 2013
- Threshold; sculptural gates; 24 m (58 ft) wide; City of Lethbridge, Alberta
- 2013
- Song of the Sculpture, pop-up performance piece, Elevation Place, Canmore
- 2013
- Landbuoys/Song of the Sculpture; solo exhibition and performance piece at the Whyte Museum Gallery, Banff
- 2012
- Five on Five; short presentation at Alberta Public Art Summit, Calgary
- 2011
- Fanfare, wall sculpture ; Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton, Alberta
- 2010
- Currency Globe sculpture sited at AIMCo head offices, Edmonton, Alberta
- 2008
- Toh Tactic sculpture; Burlington Library, Washington
- 2007
- AlphaBall Too; Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta
- 2006
- River Fragments; sculpture for Sun Life Plaza; Calgary, Alberta
- 2005
- Crenellated Habitat; stainless steel public art work for City of Calgary
- 2004
- Eosphere; plaza sculpture for the Museum of the Earth Ocean Sciences Department at the University of British Columbia. Richard Findley Landscape Architect Inc was the project lead.
- 2002
- Exhibition and talk on my work and sources at the Boardgames in Academia V Conference; Barcelona, Spain
- 2002
- AlphaBall, steel sculpture for the plaza of the New Westminster Public Library, New Westminster, British Columbia. Richard Findley Landscape Architect Inc was the project lead.
- 1998
- Guest speaker: Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Conference
- 1997
- Canada/Greece Ceramic Sculpture Exchange; 6 weeks of studio work in Greece and Crete, culminating in exhibitions in Athens and Rethymnon, Crete
- 1996
- Urban Gateways, City of Ottawa; national ideas competition looking at a reworking of the approaches to Parliament Hill. I was invited to participate by team leader Doug Carlyle, Landscape Architect. The approach our collaboration developed was awarded 3rd prize.
- 1994
- Alberta-Saskatchewan Border Sculpture; Lloydminster; 4 spires 100′ high; the work comprises interpretive, ceremonial, and civic components. This was a Doug Carlyle, Carlyle and Associates project. My involvement was to collaborate on the concept and design of the sculptural components of the steel spires and ceramic plaques.
- 1994
- Water Spheres; 9 spheres up to 2 meters in diameter as entrance feature to bio-filtration marsh, City of Burnaby, British Columbia. Durante Kreuk Partners, prime consultants.
- 1993
- WaterWork; 5 ton water-driven kinetic sculpture for BC Hydro head office, Vancouver, British Columbia. Durante Kreuk Partners, prime consultants.
- 1990
- The Oliver Convergence, City of Edmonton, Alberta; Work includes 4 steel spires up to 33′ and 20′ waterfall; steel fountain 20′ high, bronze text, and hedgerows. Doug Carlyle project lead.
- 1987
- Guest Artist, Johnson Atelier,Princeton, New Jersey
- 1986
- Poetry/Percussion collaboration with Jon Whyte, Banff, Alberta
- 1985
- Guest Artist, Johnson Atelier,Princeton, New Jersey
- 1979
- Curated “Measure for Measure”, an exploration of contemporary musical instrument makers in Canada. Blair Ketcheson, collaborator. Based on original research, project included a magazine, exhibitions and festivals that toured Canada.
- 1980
- Percussionist with Evelyn Roth performance piece, Whyte Museum, Banff
- 1978
- World Craft Council Headquarters, WCC Biennial; Kyoto, Japan
- 2016
- RÉcréation. La matière en jeu, exhibition at Centre MATERIA, Quebec City, Quebec
- 2014
- Looking Forward 2 Looking Back; 2 person exhibition with John Borrowman, Elevation Gallery, Canmore in conjunction with Stonecrop Studios’ 40th anniversary celebration
- 2014
- Landbuoys; solo exhibition; Art Gallery of Grande Prairie; Grande Prairie, Alberta; included Song of the Sculpture performance piece with Steve Bloom
- 2013
- Landbuoys; solo exhibition; Whyte Museum, Banff, Alberta; included Song of the Sculpture performance piece with percussionist Steve Bloom
- 2012
- Thinking Big; group show; ACC and AGC galleries; Edmonton and Calgary
- 2012
- Off the Wall; Canmore Art Guild Gallery, group show; Canmore, Alberta
- 2008
- Chasing Sparks; solo exhibition, Avens Gallery, Canmore, Alberta
- 2002
- Covalent Games, solo show; Universitaries de Treball Social, Barcelona, Spain
- 2001
- Reconvergence; City of Red Deer Cultural Centre Gallery, Red Deer, Alberta
- 2001
- Convergence/Divergence; 2 person show with Ed Bamling; Stony Plain Gallery
- 1999
- Canadian Content; American Craft Museum store, NYC
- 1997
- Canada/Greece Exchange; Athens, National Museum
- 1996
- Complex Context, Whyte Museum Gallery; Banff, Alberta
- 1994
- Opus; Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa
- 1993
- Worth Gallery, Taos, New Mexico
- 1992
- NIH Galleries, Washington, D.C.
- 1991
- Sun Cities Art Museum, Sun City, Arizona
- 1990
- Galerie Franklin Silverstone, Montreal
- 1989
- New Art Forms, Chicago, Illinois
- 1988
- Going for Gold, Calgary, Alberta, XV Winter Olympics
- 1986
- International Ceramics Exhibition, Mino, Japan
- 1986
- Artists Society International, San Francisco
- 1984
- International Academy of Ceramics, Washington
- 1978
- Artisan 78, Canadian Craft Council
- 1978
- London/Banff Exchange
- 1978
- Commonwealth Games, Edmonton, Alberta
- 1978
- Ontario/Alberta Exchange, travelling exhibition
- 1977
- Essential Elements, Centre des Arts Visuels, Montreal
- 1974
- Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture, Vancouver, B.C.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Alberta Investment Management Corporation
Alberta Treasury Branches
Amoco Oil
ATCO Resources
BC Hydro Authority
The Banff Centre School of Fine Arts
Banff Springs Hotel
The Canadian Museum of Civilization
Canadian Crafts Council
Canadian Utilities Ltd.
CBC Calgary
City of Burnaby, British Columbia
City of Calgary, Alberta
City of Edmonton ,Alberta
City of Lethbridge
City of Lloydminster, Alberta/Saskatchewan
City of New Westminster, British Columbia
Claridge Collection
Esso Resources Calgary
Gardiner Museum, Toronto, Ontario
ICG Resources
Government of Alberta
Government of Canada
International Academy of Ceramics
Lancaster Building, Calgary
Massey Foundation
Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta
Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton
Peter and Catharine Whyte Foundation
Placer Cego Resources Ltd.
Public Library, City of Burlington, Washington
Office of the Prime Minister of Canada
Riveredge Foundation
Syncrude Resources
Town of Canmore, Alberta
TransCanada Pipelines Ltd.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
Racine Art Museum, Racine, Wisconsin
- 2014
- Town of Canmore, lifetime contribution to the Arts celebrating Stonecrop Studio’s 40th anniversary year
- 2004
- Mayor’s Award for Artistic Excellence; Town of Canmore, Alberta
- 2001
- Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Merit Award for BC Hydro Plaza to Durante Kreuk Landscape Architects; prime consultants; Tony Bloom WaterWork sculpture as main feature
- 1996
- Urban Gateways, City of Ottawa; national ideas competition looking at a reworking of the approaches to Parliament Hill. I was invited to participate by team leader Doug Carlyle, Landscape Architect. The approach our collaboration developed was awarded 3rd prize.
- 1994
- Alberta-Saskatchewan Border Sculpture; Lloydminster; 4 spires 100′ high; the work comprises interpretive, ceremonial, and civic components. This was a Doug Carlyle, Carlyle and Associates project. My involvement was to collaborate on the concept and design of the sculptural components of the steel spires and ceramic plaques.
- 1994
- Edmonton Urban Design Awards Program; Special Recognition: Urban Remnants; in collaboration with Doug Carlyle, project lead,
- 1992
- The Victoria Promenade; Doug Carlyle Landscape Architects; Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Citation. The Convergence, waterfall and sculpture by Tony Bloom, is the featured sculpture.
- 1988
- Province of Alberta Achievement Award
- 1987
- Canada Council Award (also 1984,1997, 2011)
- 1986
- Honourable Mention (x2); International Ceramics; Mino, Japan
- 1986
- Alberta Foundation for the Arts (also 1984, 1997, 2002, 2009, 2010)
- 1981
- Alberta Design Competition Award
- 1980
- National Museums Association (also 1977)
- 2012
- Artists of Elk Run; professional artists’ association; founding member
- 1980
- Canmore Artists and Artisans Guild, founding member
- 1974
- Stonecrop Studio, founding member
- 1973
- Contact; magazine for Ceramic Artists
- 1970
- Established Tony Bloom Studios